Accepting invite
To join a company account, a manager must send an invitation link used to join. What happens when a member opens that link depends on where they open the link (desktop or smartphone) and if they are new to Hopp.
New Hopp users
For employees new to Hopp, who either don't have the app downloaded or haven't set up a user account yet, opening the link will prompt the user to download the app from their device's app store.
Before being able to join a company account, new Hopp users must set up their own Hopp user account and add their personal payment method to their account.
When users without the app open the link on a smartphone, they are prompted with instructions to download the Hopp app and set up their user account.
After the app has been downloaded and the account is set up, just press the link (the one sent by the account manager), and the app will open with an invitation to join the Company Account.
Employees might open the invitation link on their desktop or laptop computers.
The registration process remains straightforward, ensuring a seamless transition to the Company Account.
After downloading the app and setting up the user account, open the link again and scan the displayed QR code. This opens up the Hopp app with the invitation to join the Company Account.
Accepting the invitation
If everything goes right, the Hopp app will open and display the screen shown here below.
The only thing left to do is to press the Join button at the bottom of the screen, and the employee has now successfully joined the company account.
Now, employees can go ahead and start using the company
account as a payment method for their Hopp rides.
Using a company account
To use the company account as a payment method when Hopping, the user finds a vehicle and scans it. After scanning the vehicle, the user clicks on the payment method selector.
This brings up the Payment method selection screen. Select the Company Account as a payment method, and now the company will be billed for the ride.
Managers might choose to limit the usage of members to specific regions, timeframes, and vehicle types.
The payment method is unavailable if it isn't shown.
See info about the account
Members can see information about the company account by opening the menu and clicking on the wallet.
From there, select which account to see more information about.
Information about usage restrictions on the usage of the account is visible, as well as a list of all the managers.
Ask a company account manager for help if needed. If managers are unable to help, or if the app has a technical issue, please contact customer support through the Hopp app.