Logging in with Social accounts like Apple ID and Google Account was added in version 9.0.0 in January 2024. Some users were logged out after updating and are required to log in again.β
Previously, all users logged in via phone number. If you already have a Hopp account, logging in using social login will create a new one. There is no need to worry. You can link the new account with the old one to merge all user data.
Link accounts
To link your user accounts, start by logging in and then opening the menu in the app.
Click on Edit in the "My account" section
In the Edit account screen, navigate down to the Sign-in options
The account you are signed is should show the account information.
The other two login methods (if they haven't been linked) should show an indicator that they are not linked.
Link using a phone number
Up until version 9.0.0, released on January 29, 2024, all Hopp accounts used phone numbers to log in.
With the introduction of Social login methods, most, if not all, users will have to link their phone numbers to merge their old user account with the new one.
Press the Phone number section under Sign-in options:
This opens up a screen where you add your phone number to receive a text message to verify the connection.
Type in the phone number, click the green button, and wait for the text message to be received. Type in the 4-character PIN to complete the merging of the accounts.
You have now successfully linked the two accounts together and merged the data from your old account (phone number login) with the new account (social login).
Link another social account
Apple ID login is only available on iPhone. Google login is available on all devices.
You can link more social accounts in the same way.
Just click on the social account that hasn't been linked and follow the steps.