To configure usage restrictions, first open the menu in the app and select the Wallet
From there, click on the company account.
Note that only Managers can set usage restrictions.
Click on the Usage restrictions section to open the configuration menu.
At the top, you can configure where the account users are allowed to use Hopp.
By default, it is set to everywhere but can be changed to specific locations or countries.
Configure when during the day and which weekdays users are allowed to use the account.
Configure specific timeframes
Default configurations are set for all day, every day, but specific days can be selected.
When setting a customer time for a day, there is the option of Updating all days. If the button is pressed, it will set all days as the customer timeframe.
Restrictions can be set for which type of vehicle is allowed: Scooters, Cars or Taxis.
Availability of these vehicle groups is dependant on location.