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Renting a Cargo van

Hopp has 3 cargo vans available in Reykjavík as of Feb 2024.

Updated over a year ago

Finding a cargo van

Start by opening the Hopp app, selecting Car Sharing in the top right corner, and zoom out to find cars.

The Cargo vans have a White icon on the map.

If you can't find a car, it might mean they are all occupied if you can't find a car. Try again in a few minutes.

The cargo vans are suitable for small-scale transportation of items such as furniture or more. Read more about the sizes of Cargo vans here:

Reserve the car

After you find the car on the map, you can reserve it for up to 30 minutes while navigating to the car.

Here you can reserve the car and rent a scooter to drive to it.

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